Pancakes that make you cry: a true story. In the summer of 2001, Ryan’s 10-year-old cousin from Bilbao, Spain was visiting the United States with her family for the first time. She didn’t speak a word of english and was nervous for the trip—especially about the “weird” American food she had heard about—and worried she would starve during this two week vacation in Portland, Oregon. On the very first morning, as Ryan’s mom cooked pancakes for everyone, his cousin sat at the breakfast table white as a ghost. She had never seen or heard of a pancake before, and when a fluffy golden stack was set down before her, she immediately burst into tears. Once the initial shock wore off, she took a few brave bites, but had clearly decided that pancakes—and American food—were not for her. Thankfully, she became a bit more comfortable over the course of her stay and managed to escape starvation, so now she’s in her mid-twenties, happy, healthy… and still avoiding pancakes. Another true story is that the recipe we are sharing today had nearly the exact same effect on us—except they were tears of joy! If you love peach melba, prepare your palate for peach melba pancakes and let the peach party continue…